Cascading Navy Blue Roses Wedding Cake

Cascading Navy Blue Roses Wedding Cake

Classic Navy blue and white with gorgeous sugar roses


Cake Details

Gorgeous crisp whitecicedctiers trimmedcwith Diamante. Cascading Sugar Navy Blue Roses with silver leaves and finished with the couples own topper.the cakes were Navy Blue inside too!

Size and Servings

  • Four tier navy blue wedding cake

  • Sugar roses wedding cake

  • Sugar roses wedding cake


This 4″ 6″ 8″ and 10″ four tier wedding cake serves approx 130 finger portions

This cake can be made in other sizes and colours to suit your requirements, Please contact me for a detailed quote


Delivered Rookery Hall Hotel and Spa, Main RD, Worleston, Nantwich, CW5 6DQ


How can i get one of these wedding cakes?

If you would like to order this cake or something similar for your wedding, please get in touch. We can custom design and make the perfect wedding cake for your special day.

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